I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list

I used to think that the term “bucket list” was stupid. Who comes up with things and phrases that stick anyway? Just my opinion. I always called them wishes but now I call them dreams. It never hurts to dream.

I never really thought of these things in my younger years, a single mom raising kids; there wasn’t enough time or resources to even think about fun, adult things.

Obviously in order to make most of my dreams come true, the first on my list would have to be R E T I R E M E N T !!!

I think I’ve worked hard and long enough in my life and I deserve it, as do we all. I just hope and pray I can retire while I’m still young enough to enjoy all I want to do.

One dream is to attend a game in every major league stadium. I have a few crossed off my list so far. If I could plan things right, I could knock out 3-4 games in a week long trip. That would be some great baseball in a short period of time. Most likely I’ll have to do this alone because most people aren’t this crazy about baseball or maybe I’ll get lucky and find someone with the same dream!

As some of you know, I am a HUGE baseball fan. Probably the only fan who doesn’t have a favorite team. I have favorite players. It’s easier that way. Players change teams and I don’t want to love a team because of a player then have to become a fan of a new team, if my player is traded. With that being said, I have a jersey for every major league team. I also have small pennants for every team. I have them arranged into a sun on my basement wall. I think it looks awesome!

Last year I had the trip of a lifetime planned until the pandemic cancelled everything. A friend and I were flying out on a Friday to Boston and catching a Red Sox game that night. The next day we were taking a train to New York and taking in a Yankees game on Sunday and flying back home on Monday. We couldn’t get a Mets game included in the trip because they were out of town that weekend. If we’re lucky enough to reschedule this amazing trip, the Mets will definitely be in the mix.

Next up……..two amazing beach vacations………..Hawaii and Jamaica. Of course, Jamaica wouldn’t be complete without getting my hippie on and visiting the Bob Marley Museum and his Mausoleum. I don’t think anything could top a Hawaiian beach or a Luau. I would love watching the Polynesian dancers; they are so beautiful and talented. It’s just second nature to them. I’m not sure about the food but I love trying new things. I know the tropical drinks would be amazing!

Another fun dream trip is the Artocave Festival in Trinidad, CO. I would definitely be participating in the parade with my bus. I was invited in 2019 but had to pass. It’s almost 1,100 miles and would most likely take 20+ hours in the bus. My bus doesn’t like hills so I’m sure those mountains would kill us. It would be a crazy good time!

I would love to attend Skooliepalooza in Ehrenberg, AZ but that is over 1,800 miles and would have to be at least a 2 week trip. The kicker is it is held in February each year. This week long event is a huge gathering in the desert of well over 100 school buses in various stages of conversions. You can offer others your expertise in a particular project or build. People sell their goods. They come together to help each other, meet new, like minded friends, swap stories and ideas on bus life or anything else. There is also one coming up real soon in the Upper Peninsula; which would be much closer (around 600 miles) but would still take about 12 hours to get there. That would be a beautiful place to visit, as well.

I also want to visit Slab City in California; built on the Sonoran Desert, an unincorporated, off grid squatter community. The name came from concrete slabs that remained after the World War II Marine Corps Camp Dunlap training camp was torn down. The residents share one communal shower; a concrete cistern that is fed by a hot spring. The lack of government is a huge reason people are drawn to the free land of Slab City; they want to live outside mainstream society. No modern amenities, no power lines or pipes carry electricity or fresh water to the city.

Not sure I’d care to live there but it would be amazing to see all the stuff the residents have built. The pictures are so cool and, I’m sure, doesn’t do it justice.

One day I would love to buy some land, not a huge piece but enough to live off grid in a full size bus. I would prefer enough land to be able to camp host, hold skoolie events and a place for other skoolie owners to camp for a bit and work on their build. A skooliepalooza but on a much smaller scale and possibly year round.

Of course, there would be music; musicians would always be welcome to come, hang out and jam.

I have many more dreams but I’ll share in a later blog! 🙂