Seeing the Unexpected in Unexpected places

I was going to write about an awesome experience a few days ago but it looks like Stacey already beat me to it and I couldn’t have written it any better……… I’ll just stick with her very accurate account of it. Enjoy!

“Today is June 18th , a magical day that should and WILL be one of our National or Worldwide Holidaze some day !! For the late greats Gary E Shepherd and Jack Herer were born on this day to change the world and help us grow better !! I had planned to be in West Virginia on this special day , educating the masses , helping decriminalize cannabis , and celebrating with loved ones and advocates there !! I’m thankful in knowing that Godspeed is the Bestspeed even when it’s not my speed ! Last night while the bus was being searched by a state cop , I almost started to wonder if my alignment with Godspeed was a little off! I was still feeling all was good even after bus challenges and the cops!!!

Shortly after the sunrise happened over the bus this morning we passed a little girl playing in her yard who stopped to smile and stare at the Cannabus so I honked and waved (my air horn chooses when it works and it worked for her πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£) ! As we pass by, we see two friggin cute skoolies parked in her drive way !!! No wonder why she was loving my bus !! She’s a bus girl too!! πŸ₯°πŸšŒ I briefly feel the urge to whip into the church parking lot to flip a bitch and go have a photo op with the two other buses but I resist the opportunity, trying to make up time !!

We then drive about a mile or 2 and see this woman standing in the road at the end of the driveway (later learned that it’s her cool moms house ) jumping and waving us down !! OMG!! I think this woman needs us to stop!!!! Bahahahahahaha!!! Cutest thing ever !!!! She’s a Skoolie gypsy that follows me on social media ! The girl I honked at was her granddaughter, the buses are hers !! She was soooooooooooo happy and brightened the entire bus up with her love and energy! It was magical!! She says , β€œOhhhhhh, I wish we were meeting at my house so we could have got pictures of our buses together β€œ!! I told her to hop on and let’s go!!! We were all so very excited with the timing !!

The little town I was in has a population barely over 200!! She said that she has wished often to meet me , see the bus somewhere because she never thought in a million years that my CannaBus would ever have a reason to be driving through her town !! We were driving through her town and drove by her house because we got kicked off the highway for going to slow !! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸšŒπŸ’š !! While checking out her buses and seeing all the cannabis leaves and Hemp sticker and decor everywhere, I giggled inside !!!! Uncle Gary and Jack obviously wanted to gift her (and me) for their birthday instead of the presence/ presents I had planned !

Godspeed is the Bestspeed , even at turtle speed and when life tries to make us forget !!! I have time to write this because there’s a wreck on the highway and I’m trapped at a rest stop listening to a bad ass thunderstorm, still hours away from where I thought I’d be by yesterday !! πŸ’πŸšŒπŸ’πŸšŒπŸ’πŸšŒπŸ’πŸ€£πŸ™ƒ I’m so thankful for the morning with Gypsy , AND another gift for me , finally meeting Jimmy Romans and his beautiful parents !!!!!! Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy , it was sooooooo great to finally meet you and hug you!!!! Thank you for cooking for us , and all the love and hospitality from you and your sweet folks !!!!! Also for getting my young co-pilot where he needed to be !! πŸ’šπŸ₯°πŸ’šπŸ₯°πŸ’šπŸ₯°πŸ’š. West Virginia, We are still coming !! The CannaBus is slow moving , but she’s bad ass at Cannabis Freedom and signatures !! πŸ˜‰πŸ’š I’m being forced to rest , I guess that’s a gift too, but I’d rather land and then rest but this will work too! The rain has cooled it down so Hemp Hemp Hooray to that !!!!”

With all that being said and before anyone freaks out, this blog is not and the CannaBus is not an advocate of marijuana legalization and we’re certainly not drug addicts. That’s not what it’s all about. I’m not here to debate any of this. She is an educator, very well spoken and knowledgeable on the subject, touring the US bringing awareness and is an advocate for decriminalization of marijuana.

The entire purpose of this blog entry was the simple fact of meeting a fellow skooligan that I’ve been following on social media for a long time and IN MY LITTLE TOWN! What are the odds? I don’t expect everyone to understand but just share in my excitement! ✌